Contact us

If you want to contact us please use our contact form or call us. The contact information can be found on the top right under contact, or in the imprint in the footer of the page.

vehicle search

If you do not find the vehicle you are looking for in our offers, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Vehicle data banks

Thanks to our unique databases as well as our experience in the bus and coach sector, we can perform on the market, targeted and efficient searchs under almost all located used vehicles in the EU. So we are able to safely find the vehicle you are looking for Timely.


Your OVK Team


Wier are a family business with a growing for more than 15 years of tradition in auto sales.



As a free trader, we are not tied to any manufacturer, ie we act fairly every bus, from the older model to modern models.



We come to you and not vice versa. Your partnership is us worth the effort to visit your car from you, on site, on your depot and evaluated.